Mr. 4th Programming Conversations
Allen Webster, the creator of the Mr. 4th Programming YouTube channel, interviews programmers on their views and experiences of programming. Topics include trends in independent software culture, insights about being an effective software developer, the strengths and weaknesses of specific techniques and technologies, and much more. Find more about Mr. 4th at mr4th.com
Mr. 4th Programming Conversations
"Organizing Independent Conferences" with Abner Coimbre
I talk with my good friend Abner Coimbre about his work putting on high quality tech conferences with no sponsor influence.
We cover: why Abner does the work that he does, how Abner manages the ticket prices while delivering a high quality event, Abner's day to day work, how he curates talks for a conference, the "programming language ban" at his 2022 conference, his new Handmade Cities initiative, and more.
Links referenced:
Context is Everything - https://guide.handmade-seattle.com/c/2021/context-is-everything/
Complexity: Why Can't We Make Simple Software - https://guide.handmade-seattle.com/c/2022/why-cant-make-simple-software/
It's Not Survivorship Bias - https://guide.handmade-seattle.com/c/2022/its-not-survivorship-bias/